Wow it has been almost 3 years since you were all able to meet at the last EXPO and by all accounts what a great time it was. I am so excited to have the opportunity to meet with you all at the 2022 EXPO. We know that networking and interaction are extremely important, and this is a great reason to join us in Brisbane during April 29th and 30th. You will find that the EXPO is different this year, and this is designed to allow you to engage further with your fellow Office Brands members and suppliers.
EXPO 2022 is for Savvy Office Brands business owners, managers, and their teams, there will be something for everyone, if you never been before or you have been to every EXPO since inception, allow me to assure you that Reconnect 2022 is the EXPO to attend.
We have developed smaller group workshops and sessions to create greater interactivity and less classroom style sessions, we are also running multiple sessions simultaneously so you can choose the ideal session for yourself and for your team members. So come ready to engage, interact and contribute to the future of Office Brands and more importantly your own business.
“The illiterate of the 21st century, will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn”– Alvin Toffler,
Are you ready to learn, unlearn and relearn? This is an amazing opportunity to Reconnect and bravely overhaul our mindsets with profound change for our own business ecosystems. This will take some courage, a willingness to take some risks and unwavering determination from all of us. It will be the moment where we truly commence unlearning and relearning.
See you in Brisbane in April.
Adam Joy
Chief Executive Officer